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New frequency-based wearable health products that safely and effectively support common health issues including:


  • Pain

  • Anxiety

  • Immunity

  • Sleep

  • Energy

What Does It Help With?

Our Improved Multi-Layer Frequency Patch

Patch Design

The healing technology of frequency based patches

  • These unique patches are enabled with mini capacitors capable of storing and transferring information to the human body


  • Infused with multiple sets of specific electromagnetic signatures that match remedies found in nature, they are designed to stimulate and support the body's natural function


  • Using proprietary imprinting technology, the patches ate imbued with electromagnetic frequency information


  • The human body produces 50-90 millivolts of electricity which serves to power the patch and interact with the human biofield


  • Once applied to the body, the patch is designed to provide biological cues that trigger specific cellular behavior


  • Clinically tested and supported with multiple positive testimonials from medical doctors across the globe

Healing Technology


What Is Resonance Science?

Instead of manipulating and forcing natural systems, Resonance Science works in harmony with and emulates nature and is able to solve almost every environmental and health challenge we are dealing with today.


Developed over the last 20 years, we now know how to “couple to" sources of energy around us and create technologies to support human health, energy, water, agriculture, natural resources, transportation, environmental challenges, communication, and more.


Resonant Technologies is currently the largest entity on planet earth on social media in regard to resonance and science. Currently over 5 million people following their physics and science weekly, and an online academy with over 700 new members each day.


Because this approach is so radically different than traditional methods and science, Resonant Technologies had to create the physics and the science alongside developing the technology. This is unlike any other technologies that exist today, even those considered to be “innovative”.


Image by Roman Mager

At the sub-atomic level, all physicists can agree, that no atom has ever touched another atom. If you scale that concept up into real world terms, no two objects have ever actually touched each other. This alone, is enough to blow most peoples' minds. But it's true. The experience we know as "touch" is simply a repulsion of electromagnetic forces on a sub-atomic level.


Example: If you were to press your finger tips together, one would naturally assume and observe that they are touching. However, if you were to zoom in with an electron microscope, you would be able to view exactly how far apart they really are due to the repellent forces of the atoms that make up your skin (and everything).

A Quick Physics Lesson

As crazy as this concept is for most of us normal people to understand, this is the foundational cornerstone for how SOURCEWAVE patches work. Every reaction that takes place within our bodies, carries its own cellular electromagnetic signature. 


For example, when we take a drug or remedy that has an anti-inflammatory effect, the resulting reaction inside of our bodies to reduce swelling is a result of the resonant frequency of the chemistry actually sharing information with our biology.


Current Patches

As this is an up-and-coming product, it is not yet available for purchase to the general public. If you'd like to be notified when stock becomes available, please sign up below and will contact you right away!

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